Bryce bought a new video game based on With Strong Bad. If any of you have not checked out this website, it's time to. Click on the link and then click on sb emails and the ones you have to watch are Trogdor and web comics and the guitar one. It's hilarious.
Anyways, we had some friend come over to the house this weekend to make carmel and chocolate covered preztels and play some games. So, we pulled out the Homestar game. It's a Wii game. Needless to say it was hilarious and a wonderful source of laughs.
My dear friend Hailee decided to torture my male dog by putting him in a pink dress covered with hearts. Monty walked around with his head down the whole time he had it on. Poor thing.
My doggies flocked to my friend Ryan and sat on his lap all night. He wondered why out loud but we all heard you calling for them Ryan. :-) Yes we know that our dear fergie is not the cutest chihuahua. She is my homely child. She is a rescue though and the sweetest thing and melts your heart and we, I, love her all the same.
My doggies flocked to my friend Ryan and sat on his lap all night. He wondered why out loud but we all heard you calling for them Ryan. :-) Yes we know that our dear fergie is not the cutest chihuahua. She is my homely child. She is a rescue though and the sweetest thing and melts your heart and we, I, love her all the same.
Plus he kept the blanket and they like to stay nice and warm
Hailee playing with Bryce's Smart pen ( She rocked that smart pen
Hailee playing with Bryce's Smart pen ( She rocked that smart pen
HOME STAR RUNNER! My brother would flip- they loved this growing up.
How nice to have something happy to read about on your blog! I love your tree and I'm glad you had a fun time with your friends. I'm really sad I didn't get an invite but I know no one wants an old lady around. :)
Sounds like fun! You have such a cute blog :) We are up in Utah now. Spence is going to BYU Law School and we'll be there for the next 2 1/2 years. Merry Christmas!!
Callie, I can't believe this is's Cara Kleiner...remember me at all? Anyways, you look great and I am so happy to see that you found a sweetheart to share you life with!
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