Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I want a baby. Aaaahhhh.... I finally said it. I want a baby. Really bad. I am ready, I think. I want a baby and I want one bad. I think it's time to start the process.

I'm ready for the backlash. Go ahead people.


Jen said...

So you will be adopting, right?
I say if you are ready, really think it through because your whole life changes. Mostly positive changes, but some negative.
With adoption it can be a few months or a year or so.

Good luck w/ whatever you decide and keep us updated.

Cara said...

Go for it! Like Jen said it takes time in the beginning to get all your paperwork and stuff in order but how exciting!

Mike and Katie said...

Callie, it is something that does take time. For those of us able to carry them, we know we have 9 months, but with the adoption process it can take quite a while. I think if you are feeling strongly that it is time, then you should start the process. Kristen Hoster would be a great resource, she has done it twice. I'm sure you have done your research but it is a life changing thing for you, your marriage, and whatever sweet little one is meant to be yours. You are in my prayers and I know everything will happen as it is supposed to. It is crazy how it always does :) LUVZ!!!!

Chelsi Chipps said...

No backlash needed! Every girl deserves to be a mom. I'm glad that you want to be one!

Check out my friends adoption blog that she started. It's awesome and has a lot of resources that you can use to help you on this amazing journey!!


Jen said...

I nanny 5 days a week and squeeze hair appointments in here and there.
It's usually only 1-2 people a week.

jeanna eggers said...

it was fun to read your blog and catch up with a few of your siblings, especially Sherry. Hope all is well, thanks for letting me know that Scott has a blog :) Yes, I know he is my brother :)


BreeAnn said...

Callie you are totally fine. I just didn't know who you were. But no Jenny Judd is not Jenna Judd. Sorry, and no worries about finding my blog. It's all good! And even though I don't know you at all, I think adoption is a great thing! Good luck!

Meg said...

Awww yeah! There is nothing better in the whole world than being a mom. Good for you.

Rachel said...

Callie girl, that awesome! You are going to be a great mom. It's the best job in the world. Hope you like your Hair !!!