Thursday, February 17, 2011

GNN Anonymous

Good morning everyone. I would like to start off today's session. 
My name is Callie and I am a Graphic Novel Nerd. It started out with just one. My husband said, " go ahead, just read it. It's fun." He gave me one that all of my favorite storybook characters from my childhood. 

Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Little Red Riding hood, the Big Bad wolf and even LIttle Boy Blue. 
Peter Pan, Pinochio, all kinds of your childhood favorites but now in today's time in in despair. Boy Blue became my new favorite. He's my weakness. I go days, even weeks, and then boy blue does me in. The plots are more adult. Don't judge by the first book. It's probably the worst it the series. It only gets better. 

Then my husband introduced me to a new one about a guy who can eat something and know exactly where all the ingredients came from, how they were grown, what was used to prepare them, everything. Oh The main character is also a cop. He uses his crazy skills to solve cases.  
I have to admit that it gets gross sometimes. One drop of blood in his soup turns into him arresting the chef for rape and murder. Very entertaining.  

Just when I think I'm done with Graphic Novels a new one comes along. My husband also introduced me to this one. It's more childish then the others. First part of getting better is admitting the truth right? You saw the Ironman movie and it totally rocked right? Well, the Avengers is all the good guys teaming up to save the world over and over again. It has Ironman, the Hulk, 
Captain America, Thor and others. I got into this one because major motion pictures are being made about most of these characters and I thought it would be fun to know a little more about them. The movie about Thor is coming this summer. I think Captain America is next. 
I've watched a few Avengers episodes on tv with my husband. I think I'll try to get him to come to the next GNN anonymous meeting with me. Thanks for listening my story. See you next time. Remember, the program works if you work the program.


Jen said...

Ha Ha! Love the secret obsession :)

Tiffany Houston said...

SO fun! Seriously I'd join you if I could. I can just see us sitting on the couch all day reading awesome stories and geeking out about it. :p

Bryce Christiansen said...

That is hilarious. If any of your friends want to read them they are always welcome to our GNN library.