These first pictures are from when my twin sister Cassie came to town for the Weekend.

I think this is one of my favorites.
The photographer brought this awesome red skirt. Lexi knew just what to do with it.
She'd stand up and do a spin and then fall to the floor and giggle. It was awesome.
This little girl was wide awake almost the whole time. Isn't she gorgeous?
Sister love. I love this picture.
This one too.
The photographer put on a big read nose and lexi thought it was so silly.
Daddy took the baby for a little while but had to get some work done.
This looks like a dad sleeping with his precious sleeping baby but his eyes are actually open, just looking down.
baby after bath time. She likes her baths as long as you have the nice warm water all ready for her.
After Grandma bundle her all up.
When I am holding this little girl just right. Stalling her for mom or just holding her she gives me all kinds of smiles. I LOVE every minute of it.